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Boise Big Run 5K and 10K Training Programs!


Hey y'all!

Spring is in the air and that means it's Big Run season! From Boise to Meridian and out to Homdale, folks are getting the itch to move and we're exctied to kick off another great running season. Whether you're stepping into your running shoes for the first time in ages, aiming to hit a new personal best, or just looking to get into the groove of running, this training program has something for everyone!

Here at Fleet Feet Treasure Valley, we're rolling out our spring training program designed to propel you towards one of our most anticipated events of the year: The Big Run 5K and 10K Training Programs! Imagine crossing the finish line at the Treasure Valley Rescue Run 5K/10K on June 8th with a crowd cheering you on. Sounds amazing, right?

But first, let's talk about why joining a training group like ours is a game-changer. It's not just about the structured workouts or the training plan; it's about the community. It’s about sharing those early mornings, the triumphs, and the sweaty high-fives. It’s about the shared laughs, the encouragement on tough days, and the collective joy in every step forward. It's about embracing the process together and discovering the magic of movement in a way that uplifts your spirit.

Curious? Join us at our info night on Tuesday, March 26th from 6pm - 7pm at Fleet Feet Meridian. Pop in anytime during that window to learn all about what we have in store for you.

The Starting Line: Our journey kicks off April 1st with a group run/walk at Kleiner Park at 5:30 pm, followed by a kickoff party at Fleet Feet Meridian. It’s a 10-week adventure that culminates on Saturday, June 8th, with either a 5K or 10K race at the Treasure Valley Rescue Run!

The Details:

  • Price: $100, but come sign up in person at Fleet Feet Meridian and snag a $5 discount!
  • Distance Goals: Choose between 5K or 10K, with training plans tailored to beginners, intermediates, and advanced runners.
  • Workout Vibes: From mobility and strength exercises, alternating strength/conditioning and track workouts, to group run/walks on Saturdays, we’ve got a mix that will keep you engaged and moving forward.

Meet Your Coach: A.K. Whittaker isn’t just any coach. She’s a mom, an athlete, and a beacon of resilience and passion for running. With an inspiring journey through marathons, Ironman events, and overcoming life’s hurdles, A.K. brings a wealth of experience and a heart full of dedication to her coaching. She's living proof of the transformative power of movement, and she's here to guide, motivate, and inspire you every step of the way.

So, if you've ever dreamed of starting or enhancing your running journey, this is your sign. It's more than just training; it's about embracing a lifestyle of movement, resilience, and community. And with A.K. leading the way, there’s no limit to what you can achieve.

Don’t just dream about crossing that finish line; join us and let’s make it happen together. Here’s to new beginnings, to the joy of running, and to a journey filled with unforgettable moments. Let’s embrace the magic of movement together. See you at the kickoff!

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